Sustainable Infrastructure in the Garden Community

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Here you can view our policy for Sustainable Infrastructure. To see the Draft Plan in full (PDF), or to see other polices in our Draft Plan - please refer to the useful links on this page.



Chapter 8 of this draft Plan sets out the Councils’ aspirations and expectations for creating a Garden Community fit for the future and which embraces Garden Community principles and incorporates measures aimed at tackling climate change, minimising carbon emissions and climate change adaptation. The policy sets high expectations for energy efficiency, renewable energy generation, water efficiency and water recycling. Tree planting, the provision of green infrastructure, facilities for electric vehicles and promoting walking, cycling and public transport are covered in other policies of the draft Plan.

Climate change is a global issue affecting everyone. Co-ordinated action from all sectors, national and local governments, and individuals is needed to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The science tells us that to avoid catastrophic effects we need to limit the increase in global temperature to 1.5oC. Mitigation measures are required to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit global temperature rise. However, even with efforts to limit the cause of global warming, further climatic changes are inevitable in the future and the UK will need to adapt to the growing risks from climate change.

The Garden Community is an opportunity to address the climate emergency through high quality design and place making, by designing climate change mitigation and adaptation measures into the Garden Community at an early stage. To ensure that proposals for the Garden Community can respond to changing technologies, new standards and best practice, design codes will be prepared and updated as necessary, which could include requirements for energy efficiency standards, passive energy design, low energy networks, onsite renewable sources, environmental standards, water use, and waste.

1. Section 1 Local Plan

Under the theme of Sustainable Infrastructure, some of the main requirements expected to be covered in this draft Plan, as set out in the policies of the adopted Section 1 Local Plan include:

  • measures to ensure environmental sustainability, including addressing energy and water efficiency;
  • water and wastewater and flood mitigation measures;
  • sustainable waste/recycling and minerals management facilities;
  • measures for delivering reliable high speed/ultrafast broadband at all new and existing property; and
  • consideration of potential on-site mineral resources.

2. Principles


The Garden Community will look at options which maximises energy efficiency, minimises energy use and promote renewable energy technologies. Smart technology and integrated data service will be used to accommodate people’s needs and make their lives better. The Garden Community will ensure homes and infrastructure are futureproofed, affordable and adaptable to everybody’s individual and collective needs now and in the future.


The impacts of climate change will be actively tackled through developing initiatives that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and that actively take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.


The Garden Community will use as few resources as possible in the first place, keep resources in circulation for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them while in use, then recover and regenerate products at the end of service life.


Key to creating a vibrant and attractive Garden Community is the phased delivery of infrastructure and services on site which fully meets the future needs of residents and supports healthy and sustainable lifestyles. The range and nature of facilities considered should ensure that the majority of everyday needs can be met within the site.

3. Engagement Feedback

What we heard

People were in favour of using green energy, and some felt that the Garden Community should aim to go beyond net zero and present an alternative model of housing that other places aspire to. Some people felt that it was important that the Garden Community’s green aspirations are seen through every aspect of the development. People spoke about the possible value of hydroelectric, solar, wind, and geothermal energy sources in the Garden Community.

Some people highlighted potential tensions and trade-offs between renewable energy and other plans for the development. People talked about the importance of the Garden Community offsetting its impact on the natural landscape through tree planting, gardening, and the creation of wild spaces. Some people spoke about the importance of being resilient to future shocks, particularly flooding.

People also spoke about the importance of waste management across the community, with some suggesting different types of water reuse technologies, such as using rainwater to flush toilets or rainwater sprinkler systems. A few people questioned how sewage would be managed, and the extent to which the Garden Community’s green vision applied to waste management more generally.

When thinking about Sustainable Infrastructure in the Garden Community, our visioning workshops, survey, and postcard from the future participants:

  • Suggested a range of renewable energy sources that they would like the Garden Community to use.
  • Highlighted some potential trade-offs that could come from using different green technologies, particularly around their long-term maintenance.
  • Wanted the Garden Community to develop green spaces.
  • Wanted systems of water recycling and reuse to be incorporated into the design of the Garden Community.
  • Wanted homes in the Garden Community to be resilient to the impacts of climate change and able to cope with natural ‘shocks’, like flooding.
  • Were concerned about the environmental impact of the building process, both in terms of carbon emissions and ecological impact.
  • Wanted the Garden Community to develop green spaces to promote and expand the Green Infrastructure.

When thinking about Sustainable Infrastructure in the Garden Community, our statutory stakeholders workshops, engagement website, and social media participants spoke of:

  • The need for renewable and low carbon energy. The following technologies were mentioned: solar panels (on homes and non-residential buildings); ground source heat pumps; air source heat pumps; energy storage; good insulation; south facing properties; solar glazing; heat networks; and double glazing.
  • The "passivhaus" standard; solar panels on street lighting, street furniture and bus stops; and community energy schemes such as community heat pumps, community energy generation projects and neighbourhood heating schemes.
  • Reusing heat from non-residential uses; the energy demand being provided by renewable energy sources on site; wind power to charge cars and making sure buildings meet BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) outstanding.

What we’ve done

The Councils appreciate that the Garden Community is a unique opportunity to design and deliver an exemplar development that is net zero carbon. The Councils expect the provision of renewable energy technologies, this will be necessary to achieve net zero carbon buildings. The Councils recognise that adaptation is important for resilient communities and requirements for tree planting, green spaces and sustainable water management are incorporated into the draft Plan.

4. Policy 8: Sustainable Infrastructure

The Garden Community will be an exemplar development that addresses the climate emergency. The Garden Community will create energy efficient, sustainable buildings and places where communities can lead resilient and lower impact lives through energy efficient and smart buildings, reducing the need to travel and a biodiverse landscape which incorporates carbon sequestration and natural flood management.


The Garden Community will be an exemplar development that leads the way in meeting the very highest standards of energy efficiency, water efficiency and renewable energy generation to set the design quality, transition to a low carbon future and ensure that buildings are smart, future-proofed and will not require retrofitting in the future. All buildings must be net zero carbon and the Councils will encourage carbon positive buildings. Proposals must comply with approved design codes that set standards in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation and sustainable design.

Part A: Net Zero Carbon

All buildings must be net zero carbon and the Councils will encourage carbon positive buildings. A holistic area wide approach to energy and associated infrastructure will need to be implemented. Proposals must demonstrate the application of the 'energy hierarchy' to reduce energy demand for heating, lighting, and cooling and minimise carbon dioxide emissions using an energy assessment tool proportional to the scale of the development. The Councils will expect the integration of smart technology and integrated data services for controlling energy using activities and appliances.

Proposals must minimise carbon emissions associated with operational energy and construction, including materials, as well as wider emissions, for example those associated with transport.

Part B: Design and Construction

All buildings must be designed to reduce energy demand and maximise fabric energy efficiency including such measures as: building orientation; high levels of insulation of roofs, floors, and walls; maximising airtightness; and using solar gain through window/door orientation whilst avoiding overheating.

Whilst all new residential development will meet the Future Homes Standard and non-residential development will meet the Future Buildings Standard as a minimum, exceeding these standards will be expected through, for example, meeting the BREEAM Communities standard, WELL Community standard, Home Quality Mark, Passivhaus or RICS Whole Life Carbon Assessment for the Built Environment, or other recognised standards.

Part C: Renewable Energy

To achieve a net zero carbon development, that will not use fossil fuels, the Garden Community will generate energy from renewable sources and proposals will need to show how this has been maximized. This could include the following technologies: hydrogen, Biogas Anaerobic Digestion (sewage and food), heat pumps and thermal storage (for heat) and solar and wind and the associated various forms of storage (for power). The Councils will consider the development of a district heating network(s) and/or smart local energy systems that are viable, maintained and managed in the long term.

Part D: Water Conservation

All buildings must include water efficiency measures and seek to achieve water neutrality. All homes must include water saving measures and, as a minimum, meet the Buildings Regulations optional tighter water standard of 110 litres per person per day.

Proposals must include clear evidence on the approach to water conservation, including the potential for the re-use of ‘greywater’ and rainwater ‘capture and use’ and should also provide the infrastructure to support options for rainwater re-use in the building design, e.g. rainwater harvesting systems, water saving devices, greywater recycling or other agreed solutions. The Councils will require safe systems and measures to be implemented for all new development within the Garden Community.

Part E: Sustainable Waste Management

Proposals will look at all the options across the chain to use as few resources as possible in the first place, keep resources in circulation for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them while in use, then recover and regenerate products at the end of service life. The Councils support proposals for sustainable waste management facilities and proposals should incorporate best practice technologies to optimise opportunities for minimizing waste and recycling.

Part F: Ultrafast Broadband

Proposals must provide the new community with ultra-fast broadband. This definition is likely to evolve over the plan period and consideration of an up-to-date definition of ultra-fast will be made at the time of the planning application submission based on government/ industry guidance.

Proposals must, unless an equivalent technology/approach delivers a better outcome, demonstrate early engagement with infrastructure providers and ensure the provision of fibre to the premises (FTTP) infrastructure.

Part G: Materials

All proposals must take into consideration the embodied carbon associated with materials using the RICS Whole Life Carbon approach or successor documents. Development must be designed to maximise resource efficiency and identify, source, and use environmentally and socially responsible materials, giving consideration to circular economy principles and design for deconstruction.

Part H: Planning Application Expectations

1. To ensure that development at the Garden Community does everything it can to address the climate emergency and help achieve the ambition of net zero carbon emissions, all proposals must be accompanied by a ‘Carbon Reduction Strategy’ which considers all the measures set out in this policy and puts forward detailed solutions for the Councils approval, which will then be implemented as part of the development.

Proposals will have to demonstrate how renewable energy and other sustainability measures appropriate to the buildings, site and location are to be included in the development. Planning permission will only be granted where, through the Carbon Reduction Strategy, it can be demonstrated that all reasonable renewable energy and energy efficiency measures have been fully considered and, where possible, will be incorporated into the design, layout, and construction. The Councils will consider the use of planning conditions to ensure the measures are delivered and monitored.

2. Proposals should include an Assured Performance Certification to address the performance gap between 'as designed' performance and 'as built' performance.

3. Proposals must submit to the Councils a scheme for approval demonstrating how the development will provide digital connectivity (including appropriate standards, timescales) having regard to approved connectivity strategies.

Part I: Minerals – Prior extraction

Proposals must be informed by a Minerals Resource Assessment, with evidence supplied in support of the scheme demonstrating how the scheme reflects and takes advantage of the opportunities afforded by prior extraction.

5. Justification

In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a report which advised that we must limit global warming to 1.5°C, as opposed to the previous target of 2°C. Tackling climate change requires action by every part of society – this includes all tiers of government, businesses, and residents. Individuals can influence the size of their carbon footprint by how much and what they buy and how they travel and the homes they live in.

In 2019, both CBC and TDC declared climate emergencies acknowledging that urgent action is required to limit the environmental impacts produced by the climate crisis. Both Councils aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. This is supported by ECC who established the Essex Climate Action Commission in 2020 to promote and guide climate action in the county and move Essex to net zero by 2050. It is an independent, voluntary, and cross-party body bringing together groups from the public and private sector, as well as individuals from other organisations. The Commission published its report Net Zero: Making Essex Carbon Neutral in July 2021 and its recommendations are relevant to Essex County Council, Essex local authorities, parish and town councils, as well as Essex businesses, residents, and community groups. The report sets out a comprehensive plan for Essex to: reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 in line with UK statutory commitments; and to make Essex more resilient to climate impacts such as flooding, water shortages and overheating. The report covers a wide range of topic areas including land use, energy, waste, transport, plus the built and natural environments. The report’s recommendations are now incorporated into a Climate Action Plan and a focused work programme over the coming years to ensure the effects of climate change can be mitigated.

The Future Homes Standard (a 75-80% reduction in carbon emissions from new homes compared to current standards, with low-carbon heating and very high fabric standards) and Future Buildings Standard (pathway to highly efficient new non-domestic buildings which use low-carbon heat) will require new buildings from 2025 to be future proofed for 2050 with low carbon heating and world leading levels of energy efficiency. This means that connecting to the conventional gas grid will not be a feasible option. The government’s Heat and Buildings Strategy explains that the future is likely to see a mix of low-carbon technologies used for heating and while there is work to be done to identify the best solutions for different buildings and areas, decisive, ‘no regrets’ action can be taken now. No regrets actions means actions that are cost-effective now and will continue to prove beneficial in future. For example, installing energy efficiency measures reduces consumer bills now, while making buildings warmer and comfier, but has the added benefit of making future installations of low-carbon heating more cost-effective. Buildings should be ‘futureproofed’ by setting high standards for new buildings and mitigating risks of overheating and poor ventilation leading to poor air quality.

Future proofing is a key design consideration and includes: the electrification of heat; the replacement of natural gas with Hydrogen and/or biomethane; decentralised ‘smart’ grids; Low Zero Carbon technologies; the electrification of transport and introduction of alternative fuel sources such as biofuel and hydrogen; smart machinery and automation; sustainable waste management; creating a circular energy economy; storage technologies for resilience; and super-fast fibre, 5G and WIFI enabled public spaces.

There are numerous national and international sustainability accreditation standards and the Councils will expect development to meet one of these standards. For example, BREEAM Communities standard, WELL Community standard, Home Quality Mark, Passivhaus or RICS Whole Life Carbon Assessment for the Built Environment. These standards are a way to measure the sustainability of buildings in a holistic way and ensure that a wide range of sustainability considerations, including energy and water use, are considered and incorporated into the design.

Renewable power generators, such as solar PV and air and ground source heat pumps are established, well understood and mature technologies, which would be anticipated to be deployed across the site. The approach will be to deliver a net-zero/carbon positive site by providing a secure, reliable, and affordable energy system. There is opportunity for entrepreneurship and the ability to export energy (heat and/or power) will be explored.

A Carbon Reduction Strategy is required which will set out measures that will be incorporated into the design, layout and construction aimed at maximising energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. The Carbon Reduction Strategy must demonstrate how different measures have been considered and incorporated which could and should include: triple glazing; solar roof panels or solar tiles; air source heating systems; ground source heating systems; super insulation (walls and loft void); rainwater capture system; electric vehicle rapid charging points (provided to an individual dwelling or through an appropriate communal facility); superfast broadband and a flexible space within each home to enable home working and a reduction in the need to travel; Mechanical Heat Recovery Ventilation; solar thermal systems; and solar and battery storage systems. This list will be kept under review as techniques and technologies develop and evolve. Targets and requirements in design codes and guidance may include phased requirements to ensure that targets and requirements reflect latest techniques, technologies, and best practice.

The sustainability of a development is not simply a measure of how it functions, it also includes how it is constructed and the sourcing of minerals used in that construction. This is made clear in the NPPF which states that minerals are a finite natural resource, and that best use needs to be made of them, including encouraging their extraction where practical and environmentally feasible, if it is necessary for non-mineral development to take place.

Extracting minerals prior to development of the land doesn’t just avoid their needless sterilisation, it is also an opportunity to design and shape landforms to support the masterplanning of significant developments. It provides the opportunity to create land topographies, transforming how the land is developed and used post extraction, through imaginative land reclamation and landscape enhancement that help create desirable places to live. Prior extraction itself is therefore not just an indication of sustainable development, it can be used as an opportunity in major developments to deliver a number of further sustainable development initiatives, such as those highlighted within this Plan, including:

  • opportunities for biodiversity net-gain, green and blue Infrastructure and to grow natural capital;
  • Sustainable Drainage Schemes (SuDS) and increase flood resilience;
  • mitigation measures against climate change; and
  • positive contributions to the health and wellbeing of communities through the provision of open space and recreational resources.

6. Alternative approaches

The Councils have considered the following alternative to this policy:

Alternative 1: No policy in the Plan and reliance on the requirements of the Section 1 Plan, which are summarised at the beginning of this chapter, and national policy.

The Councils have rejected alternative 1 as the Plan is an opportunity to add further detail to the policy requirements in the Section 1 Plan and include policy that includes measures to ensure environmental sustainability including addressing energy and water efficiency.

Here you can view our policy for Sustainable Infrastructure. To see the Draft Plan in full (PDF), or to see other polices in our Draft Plan - please refer to the useful links on this page.



Chapter 8 of this draft Plan sets out the Councils’ aspirations and expectations for creating a Garden Community fit for the future and which embraces Garden Community principles and incorporates measures aimed at tackling climate change, minimising carbon emissions and climate change adaptation. The policy sets high expectations for energy efficiency, renewable energy generation, water efficiency and water recycling. Tree planting, the provision of green infrastructure, facilities for electric vehicles and promoting walking, cycling and public transport are covered in other policies of the draft Plan.

Climate change is a global issue affecting everyone. Co-ordinated action from all sectors, national and local governments, and individuals is needed to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The science tells us that to avoid catastrophic effects we need to limit the increase in global temperature to 1.5oC. Mitigation measures are required to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit global temperature rise. However, even with efforts to limit the cause of global warming, further climatic changes are inevitable in the future and the UK will need to adapt to the growing risks from climate change.

The Garden Community is an opportunity to address the climate emergency through high quality design and place making, by designing climate change mitigation and adaptation measures into the Garden Community at an early stage. To ensure that proposals for the Garden Community can respond to changing technologies, new standards and best practice, design codes will be prepared and updated as necessary, which could include requirements for energy efficiency standards, passive energy design, low energy networks, onsite renewable sources, environmental standards, water use, and waste.

1. Section 1 Local Plan

Under the theme of Sustainable Infrastructure, some of the main requirements expected to be covered in this draft Plan, as set out in the policies of the adopted Section 1 Local Plan include:

  • measures to ensure environmental sustainability, including addressing energy and water efficiency;
  • water and wastewater and flood mitigation measures;
  • sustainable waste/recycling and minerals management facilities;
  • measures for delivering reliable high speed/ultrafast broadband at all new and existing property; and
  • consideration of potential on-site mineral resources.

2. Principles


The Garden Community will look at options which maximises energy efficiency, minimises energy use and promote renewable energy technologies. Smart technology and integrated data service will be used to accommodate people’s needs and make their lives better. The Garden Community will ensure homes and infrastructure are futureproofed, affordable and adaptable to everybody’s individual and collective needs now and in the future.


The impacts of climate change will be actively tackled through developing initiatives that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and that actively take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.


The Garden Community will use as few resources as possible in the first place, keep resources in circulation for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them while in use, then recover and regenerate products at the end of service life.


Key to creating a vibrant and attractive Garden Community is the phased delivery of infrastructure and services on site which fully meets the future needs of residents and supports healthy and sustainable lifestyles. The range and nature of facilities considered should ensure that the majority of everyday needs can be met within the site.

3. Engagement Feedback

What we heard

People were in favour of using green energy, and some felt that the Garden Community should aim to go beyond net zero and present an alternative model of housing that other places aspire to. Some people felt that it was important that the Garden Community’s green aspirations are seen through every aspect of the development. People spoke about the possible value of hydroelectric, solar, wind, and geothermal energy sources in the Garden Community.

Some people highlighted potential tensions and trade-offs between renewable energy and other plans for the development. People talked about the importance of the Garden Community offsetting its impact on the natural landscape through tree planting, gardening, and the creation of wild spaces. Some people spoke about the importance of being resilient to future shocks, particularly flooding.

People also spoke about the importance of waste management across the community, with some suggesting different types of water reuse technologies, such as using rainwater to flush toilets or rainwater sprinkler systems. A few people questioned how sewage would be managed, and the extent to which the Garden Community’s green vision applied to waste management more generally.

When thinking about Sustainable Infrastructure in the Garden Community, our visioning workshops, survey, and postcard from the future participants:

  • Suggested a range of renewable energy sources that they would like the Garden Community to use.
  • Highlighted some potential trade-offs that could come from using different green technologies, particularly around their long-term maintenance.
  • Wanted the Garden Community to develop green spaces.
  • Wanted systems of water recycling and reuse to be incorporated into the design of the Garden Community.
  • Wanted homes in the Garden Community to be resilient to the impacts of climate change and able to cope with natural ‘shocks’, like flooding.
  • Were concerned about the environmental impact of the building process, both in terms of carbon emissions and ecological impact.
  • Wanted the Garden Community to develop green spaces to promote and expand the Green Infrastructure.

When thinking about Sustainable Infrastructure in the Garden Community, our statutory stakeholders workshops, engagement website, and social media participants spoke of:

  • The need for renewable and low carbon energy. The following technologies were mentioned: solar panels (on homes and non-residential buildings); ground source heat pumps; air source heat pumps; energy storage; good insulation; south facing properties; solar glazing; heat networks; and double glazing.
  • The "passivhaus" standard; solar panels on street lighting, street furniture and bus stops; and community energy schemes such as community heat pumps, community energy generation projects and neighbourhood heating schemes.
  • Reusing heat from non-residential uses; the energy demand being provided by renewable energy sources on site; wind power to charge cars and making sure buildings meet BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) outstanding.

What we’ve done

The Councils appreciate that the Garden Community is a unique opportunity to design and deliver an exemplar development that is net zero carbon. The Councils expect the provision of renewable energy technologies, this will be necessary to achieve net zero carbon buildings. The Councils recognise that adaptation is important for resilient communities and requirements for tree planting, green spaces and sustainable water management are incorporated into the draft Plan.

4. Policy 8: Sustainable Infrastructure

The Garden Community will be an exemplar development that addresses the climate emergency. The Garden Community will create energy efficient, sustainable buildings and places where communities can lead resilient and lower impact lives through energy efficient and smart buildings, reducing the need to travel and a biodiverse landscape which incorporates carbon sequestration and natural flood management.


The Garden Community will be an exemplar development that leads the way in meeting the very highest standards of energy efficiency, water efficiency and renewable energy generation to set the design quality, transition to a low carbon future and ensure that buildings are smart, future-proofed and will not require retrofitting in the future. All buildings must be net zero carbon and the Councils will encourage carbon positive buildings. Proposals must comply with approved design codes that set standards in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation and sustainable design.

Part A: Net Zero Carbon

All buildings must be net zero carbon and the Councils will encourage carbon positive buildings. A holistic area wide approach to energy and associated infrastructure will need to be implemented. Proposals must demonstrate the application of the 'energy hierarchy' to reduce energy demand for heating, lighting, and cooling and minimise carbon dioxide emissions using an energy assessment tool proportional to the scale of the development. The Councils will expect the integration of smart technology and integrated data services for controlling energy using activities and appliances.

Proposals must minimise carbon emissions associated with operational energy and construction, including materials, as well as wider emissions, for example those associated with transport.

Part B: Design and Construction

All buildings must be designed to reduce energy demand and maximise fabric energy efficiency including such measures as: building orientation; high levels of insulation of roofs, floors, and walls; maximising airtightness; and using solar gain through window/door orientation whilst avoiding overheating.

Whilst all new residential development will meet the Future Homes Standard and non-residential development will meet the Future Buildings Standard as a minimum, exceeding these standards will be expected through, for example, meeting the BREEAM Communities standard, WELL Community standard, Home Quality Mark, Passivhaus or RICS Whole Life Carbon Assessment for the Built Environment, or other recognised standards.

Part C: Renewable Energy

To achieve a net zero carbon development, that will not use fossil fuels, the Garden Community will generate energy from renewable sources and proposals will need to show how this has been maximized. This could include the following technologies: hydrogen, Biogas Anaerobic Digestion (sewage and food), heat pumps and thermal storage (for heat) and solar and wind and the associated various forms of storage (for power). The Councils will consider the development of a district heating network(s) and/or smart local energy systems that are viable, maintained and managed in the long term.

Part D: Water Conservation

All buildings must include water efficiency measures and seek to achieve water neutrality. All homes must include water saving measures and, as a minimum, meet the Buildings Regulations optional tighter water standard of 110 litres per person per day.

Proposals must include clear evidence on the approach to water conservation, including the potential for the re-use of ‘greywater’ and rainwater ‘capture and use’ and should also provide the infrastructure to support options for rainwater re-use in the building design, e.g. rainwater harvesting systems, water saving devices, greywater recycling or other agreed solutions. The Councils will require safe systems and measures to be implemented for all new development within the Garden Community.

Part E: Sustainable Waste Management

Proposals will look at all the options across the chain to use as few resources as possible in the first place, keep resources in circulation for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them while in use, then recover and regenerate products at the end of service life. The Councils support proposals for sustainable waste management facilities and proposals should incorporate best practice technologies to optimise opportunities for minimizing waste and recycling.

Part F: Ultrafast Broadband

Proposals must provide the new community with ultra-fast broadband. This definition is likely to evolve over the plan period and consideration of an up-to-date definition of ultra-fast will be made at the time of the planning application submission based on government/ industry guidance.

Proposals must, unless an equivalent technology/approach delivers a better outcome, demonstrate early engagement with infrastructure providers and ensure the provision of fibre to the premises (FTTP) infrastructure.

Part G: Materials

All proposals must take into consideration the embodied carbon associated with materials using the RICS Whole Life Carbon approach or successor documents. Development must be designed to maximise resource efficiency and identify, source, and use environmentally and socially responsible materials, giving consideration to circular economy principles and design for deconstruction.

Part H: Planning Application Expectations

1. To ensure that development at the Garden Community does everything it can to address the climate emergency and help achieve the ambition of net zero carbon emissions, all proposals must be accompanied by a ‘Carbon Reduction Strategy’ which considers all the measures set out in this policy and puts forward detailed solutions for the Councils approval, which will then be implemented as part of the development.

Proposals will have to demonstrate how renewable energy and other sustainability measures appropriate to the buildings, site and location are to be included in the development. Planning permission will only be granted where, through the Carbon Reduction Strategy, it can be demonstrated that all reasonable renewable energy and energy efficiency measures have been fully considered and, where possible, will be incorporated into the design, layout, and construction. The Councils will consider the use of planning conditions to ensure the measures are delivered and monitored.

2. Proposals should include an Assured Performance Certification to address the performance gap between 'as designed' performance and 'as built' performance.

3. Proposals must submit to the Councils a scheme for approval demonstrating how the development will provide digital connectivity (including appropriate standards, timescales) having regard to approved connectivity strategies.

Part I: Minerals – Prior extraction

Proposals must be informed by a Minerals Resource Assessment, with evidence supplied in support of the scheme demonstrating how the scheme reflects and takes advantage of the opportunities afforded by prior extraction.

5. Justification

In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a report which advised that we must limit global warming to 1.5°C, as opposed to the previous target of 2°C. Tackling climate change requires action by every part of society – this includes all tiers of government, businesses, and residents. Individuals can influence the size of their carbon footprint by how much and what they buy and how they travel and the homes they live in.

In 2019, both CBC and TDC declared climate emergencies acknowledging that urgent action is required to limit the environmental impacts produced by the climate crisis. Both Councils aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. This is supported by ECC who established the Essex Climate Action Commission in 2020 to promote and guide climate action in the county and move Essex to net zero by 2050. It is an independent, voluntary, and cross-party body bringing together groups from the public and private sector, as well as individuals from other organisations. The Commission published its report Net Zero: Making Essex Carbon Neutral in July 2021 and its recommendations are relevant to Essex County Council, Essex local authorities, parish and town councils, as well as Essex businesses, residents, and community groups. The report sets out a comprehensive plan for Essex to: reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 in line with UK statutory commitments; and to make Essex more resilient to climate impacts such as flooding, water shortages and overheating. The report covers a wide range of topic areas including land use, energy, waste, transport, plus the built and natural environments. The report’s recommendations are now incorporated into a Climate Action Plan and a focused work programme over the coming years to ensure the effects of climate change can be mitigated.

The Future Homes Standard (a 75-80% reduction in carbon emissions from new homes compared to current standards, with low-carbon heating and very high fabric standards) and Future Buildings Standard (pathway to highly efficient new non-domestic buildings which use low-carbon heat) will require new buildings from 2025 to be future proofed for 2050 with low carbon heating and world leading levels of energy efficiency. This means that connecting to the conventional gas grid will not be a feasible option. The government’s Heat and Buildings Strategy explains that the future is likely to see a mix of low-carbon technologies used for heating and while there is work to be done to identify the best solutions for different buildings and areas, decisive, ‘no regrets’ action can be taken now. No regrets actions means actions that are cost-effective now and will continue to prove beneficial in future. For example, installing energy efficiency measures reduces consumer bills now, while making buildings warmer and comfier, but has the added benefit of making future installations of low-carbon heating more cost-effective. Buildings should be ‘futureproofed’ by setting high standards for new buildings and mitigating risks of overheating and poor ventilation leading to poor air quality.

Future proofing is a key design consideration and includes: the electrification of heat; the replacement of natural gas with Hydrogen and/or biomethane; decentralised ‘smart’ grids; Low Zero Carbon technologies; the electrification of transport and introduction of alternative fuel sources such as biofuel and hydrogen; smart machinery and automation; sustainable waste management; creating a circular energy economy; storage technologies for resilience; and super-fast fibre, 5G and WIFI enabled public spaces.

There are numerous national and international sustainability accreditation standards and the Councils will expect development to meet one of these standards. For example, BREEAM Communities standard, WELL Community standard, Home Quality Mark, Passivhaus or RICS Whole Life Carbon Assessment for the Built Environment. These standards are a way to measure the sustainability of buildings in a holistic way and ensure that a wide range of sustainability considerations, including energy and water use, are considered and incorporated into the design.

Renewable power generators, such as solar PV and air and ground source heat pumps are established, well understood and mature technologies, which would be anticipated to be deployed across the site. The approach will be to deliver a net-zero/carbon positive site by providing a secure, reliable, and affordable energy system. There is opportunity for entrepreneurship and the ability to export energy (heat and/or power) will be explored.

A Carbon Reduction Strategy is required which will set out measures that will be incorporated into the design, layout and construction aimed at maximising energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. The Carbon Reduction Strategy must demonstrate how different measures have been considered and incorporated which could and should include: triple glazing; solar roof panels or solar tiles; air source heating systems; ground source heating systems; super insulation (walls and loft void); rainwater capture system; electric vehicle rapid charging points (provided to an individual dwelling or through an appropriate communal facility); superfast broadband and a flexible space within each home to enable home working and a reduction in the need to travel; Mechanical Heat Recovery Ventilation; solar thermal systems; and solar and battery storage systems. This list will be kept under review as techniques and technologies develop and evolve. Targets and requirements in design codes and guidance may include phased requirements to ensure that targets and requirements reflect latest techniques, technologies, and best practice.

The sustainability of a development is not simply a measure of how it functions, it also includes how it is constructed and the sourcing of minerals used in that construction. This is made clear in the NPPF which states that minerals are a finite natural resource, and that best use needs to be made of them, including encouraging their extraction where practical and environmentally feasible, if it is necessary for non-mineral development to take place.

Extracting minerals prior to development of the land doesn’t just avoid their needless sterilisation, it is also an opportunity to design and shape landforms to support the masterplanning of significant developments. It provides the opportunity to create land topographies, transforming how the land is developed and used post extraction, through imaginative land reclamation and landscape enhancement that help create desirable places to live. Prior extraction itself is therefore not just an indication of sustainable development, it can be used as an opportunity in major developments to deliver a number of further sustainable development initiatives, such as those highlighted within this Plan, including:

  • opportunities for biodiversity net-gain, green and blue Infrastructure and to grow natural capital;
  • Sustainable Drainage Schemes (SuDS) and increase flood resilience;
  • mitigation measures against climate change; and
  • positive contributions to the health and wellbeing of communities through the provision of open space and recreational resources.

6. Alternative approaches

The Councils have considered the following alternative to this policy:

Alternative 1: No policy in the Plan and reliance on the requirements of the Section 1 Plan, which are summarised at the beginning of this chapter, and national policy.

The Councils have rejected alternative 1 as the Plan is an opportunity to add further detail to the policy requirements in the Section 1 Plan and include policy that includes measures to ensure environmental sustainability including addressing energy and water efficiency.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

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Page last updated: 26 Apr 2022, 08:19 AM