The Submission Version Plan

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Consultation on the Submission Version Plan has now closed. The consultation period ran from 15th May 2023 to 5pm 25th June 2023 If you would like to view the comments that have been submitted, they have been recorded alongside the polices of the Plan online here.

The Submission Version Plan sets out the proposed planning policies and approach to the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community. This includes a 'Policies Map' which sets out where certain land uses are being proposed, and which areas are proposed to be retained in their current form.

What Happens Next

After the consultation period has ended, the Councils will need to collect all of the comments that have been received and package all of the material together for it to be submitted to Secretary of State.

A Planning Inspector will be appointed to consider the document via an Examination in Public. The Planning Inspector will review all of the information and consider what needs further discussion. He will consider whether he would like to invite anyone who has made a representation. It is anticipated that the Examination in Public could occur either towards the end of 2023 or early 2024.

More information on the Examination can be found here.



The Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community addresses the long term need for new housing in our area, in a strategic way. It is in the shared Section 1 Local Plans for Tendring District Council and Colchester Borough Council. These plans were adopted in 2021 and the Councils, along with Essex County Council, are working together on the next stages of the process for the Garden Community.

A final proposed version of the Plan was produced (Submission Version). This was informed by the comments received through the earlier public consultation on the Draft Version of the Plan in March-April 2022 as part of the Regulation 18 stage of the plan making process.

The proposals and policies in the Submission Version of the Plan have also been informed by a wide range of evidence base documents – updating and expanding upon the evidence already in place at Regulation 18 stage and addressing key matters raised during the previous consultation.

This evidence is all available on the 'Useful Documents' page and includes, amongst others, a Strategic Masterplan for the Garden Community, an assessment of the character of Crockleford Heath, an independent assessment of the University of Essex's expansion requirements and a viability appraisal. The conclusion of this evidence base has been collectively considered to understand its implications and it has informed Officers’ recommendations on the content of the Submission Version Plan.

Latest News

Consultation on the Submission Version Plan has now closed. The consultation period ran from 15th May 2023 to 5pm 25th June 2023 If you would like to view the comments that have been submitted, they have been recorded alongside the polices of the Plan online here.

The Submission Version Plan sets out the proposed planning policies and approach to the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community. This includes a 'Policies Map' which sets out where certain land uses are being proposed, and which areas are proposed to be retained in their current form.

What Happens Next

After the consultation period has ended, the Councils will need to collect all of the comments that have been received and package all of the material together for it to be submitted to Secretary of State.

A Planning Inspector will be appointed to consider the document via an Examination in Public. The Planning Inspector will review all of the information and consider what needs further discussion. He will consider whether he would like to invite anyone who has made a representation. It is anticipated that the Examination in Public could occur either towards the end of 2023 or early 2024.

More information on the Examination can be found here.



The Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community addresses the long term need for new housing in our area, in a strategic way. It is in the shared Section 1 Local Plans for Tendring District Council and Colchester Borough Council. These plans were adopted in 2021 and the Councils, along with Essex County Council, are working together on the next stages of the process for the Garden Community.

A final proposed version of the Plan was produced (Submission Version). This was informed by the comments received through the earlier public consultation on the Draft Version of the Plan in March-April 2022 as part of the Regulation 18 stage of the plan making process.

The proposals and policies in the Submission Version of the Plan have also been informed by a wide range of evidence base documents – updating and expanding upon the evidence already in place at Regulation 18 stage and addressing key matters raised during the previous consultation.

This evidence is all available on the 'Useful Documents' page and includes, amongst others, a Strategic Masterplan for the Garden Community, an assessment of the character of Crockleford Heath, an independent assessment of the University of Essex's expansion requirements and a viability appraisal. The conclusion of this evidence base has been collectively considered to understand its implications and it has informed Officers’ recommendations on the content of the Submission Version Plan.

Page last updated: 22 Sep 2023, 09:21 AM